My Top 5 Favorite Romantical Movie Scenes For Valentine’s Day (In No Particular Order)

I am not a big proponent of Valentine’s Day. I am not a big fan of holidays in general for that matter. It just seems that we, as a culture, take great ideas and over think them to the point that we destroy all the fun in them. Look at Sundays for instance – a day of rest. We have found a way to make it the most stressful day of the week in one way or another. For those of the believing persuasion, it is a day of heightened expectation and rushing, for those that are of the unbelieving persuasion, it is a day of lowered expectation and grousing that everything is closed.

Don’t even get me started on Christmas or Super Bowl Sunday.

But out of all of them, Valentine’s Day is probably the worst because fully half of the population loves it, and the other half hates it, and everyone dreads it.

Anyway, enough ranting, let’s see some videos in no particular order.

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Primaries Directive – The United Federation Elections of 2270 (Photo Gallery)

A year or so ago I started doing this as an exercise to play around on the edges of politics and current events and to see how long I could keep it up. The rules for myself were relatively simple: Only stills from Star Trek: TOS were to be used.

I spent way too much time doom scrolling Google Images for brain fodder and eventually ran out of steam. I probably could have been able to maintain momentum on it longer if I had started rewatching the series and did the screengrabs myself. But, regardless, politics is exhausting…

Anyway, welcome to the Federation Elections of 2270.

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My Top Five Favorite Cover Bands That Are Also Awesome And Funny (In No Particular Order)

I love covers. At the height of the Napster Age I had more than 2000 Beatles covers in my digital collection. It is much less now, because of poor back-up skills which I still possess to this day. What I really love is when an artist is able to cover a familiar song, retain that original sense, but still make it their own in some unique and interesting way. They need to cover the song, but also add some personality so it can stand apart. Like when Earth, Wind and Fire covered Got To Get You Into My Life — a Beatles cover that I would argue is easily much better than the original.

I just have a strong belief that if a musician can take someone else’s song and make it something different, then that is real craft and art. Having said that, these are the artists that not only do that, they shake the paradigm up a bit in the process. Conceptually funny doesn’t hurt much, either.

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Hail To The King — In Honor of Elvis Presley’s Birthday (01/08/1935)

I still have an Elvis documentary inside of me struggling to get out.

Back when I thought I still had a shot at a career in the movies, I outlined a documentary that would have had recreations of his death based on the various theories that were floating around… Okay, okay… theories that I imagined were floating around.

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Short Story: The Ennui Of A Caveman

Grok stirred. He pulled the tattered animal skin up closer around his neck to ward off the early morning chill, exposing his rough, calloused feet in the process. He scrunched his nose stiffly at the wet dusty odor from the dead fire sitting in the opening passage to the cavern.

Scratching at the tangled mat of a beard growing on his cheek with blackened fingernails, he ran his slightly swollen tongue over his chipped and worn teeth. He then tried to work up some saliva to take the taste of night out of his mouth.

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Perfect Movie/Perfect Film — A Cinematic Review Philosophy

(originaly from 2014)

All film criticism is subjective. We all watch movies from different places and experiences. What is meaningful to one person isn’t necessarily meaningful to another. Except “Shogun Assassin”, we all come out of that movie feeling the same way — exhausted, a bit freaked out, but also excited about the baby cart that shoots daggers.

That is why I came up with the Perfect Movie/Perfect Film grading system. In it, I posit that there are two kinds of cinema — a movie and a film. A movie is the turn off the brain, just go along for the ride type of entertainment. A film is the engage the brain, invest yourself in the craft and art type of theater experience.

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This is a partial transcript of a diagnostic interview of SUBJECT JAMES FRANK, sufferer of Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder).

It was conducted by DR. FREDERICK RASPUENEL, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of California, Barstow. Also in attendance was DR. LISA SABERSTEIN, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Phoenix, Orem, Utah Branch.

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I Could Be The Next Steve Jobs: The Facts

Not to belabor a popular 2001: A Space Odyssey comparison in the Tech Industry, but Steve Jobs is our Monolith, only with rounded corners and intergrated branding. And frankly, I am the Star Child.

Listen, I don’t mean to try and build myself up too much here, but I am kinda awesome. I mean, my potential is full of stars. As a matter of fact, as the Star Child, I am pretty sure it is my destiny (if I understood the movie correctly) to be the next Monolith (Steve Jobs).

Here are the facts for you to agree with (see, I am already like him).

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